Airon Pneumatic Ventilation, CPAP Solutions
Airon’s fully pneumatic MRI conditional ventilators, CPAP solutions only available from USME

Airon pNeuton Ventilators

pNeuton Model A Ventilator
The pNeuton model A ventilator with built-in CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is ideal for critical care adult or pediatric patient support in hospital environments.

pNeuton Model S Ventilator
The pNeuton model S ventilator provides mask CPAP plus volume or pressure ventilation for pediatric to adult patients for pre-hospital and hospital environments.

pNeuton mini Ventilator
The pNeuton mini matches the complexity of pressure-limited ventilation in standard infant ventilators without the need for electricity or batteries.
Airon CPAP System
Airon MACS CPAP System
MACS CPAP system works with your patient providing low spontaneous work of breathing compared to disposable CPAP mask options, and delivers a better patient experience with critical care delivery.